
Connecting and Empowering Young Music Enthusiasts

Established in Weatherford TX, as a 1½ day camp in 2013, it has evolved to the 4½ day camp It is today. This camp was founded by Judy James and the late Pam Tarpley because they saw a need to perpetuate Western history and heritage. Knowing that we are always one generation away from losing our heritage, their vision was always to preserve and protect our Western lifestyle and heritage through Western music. It starts with the youth of America!

The Y Bar J Camp provides participants the opportunity to work on and be introduced to a variety of music, poetry, and performance skills. They learn from recognized professionals in the Western Entertainment industry. Students work with vocal and instrument instructors and receive instruction in music theory, poetry, songwriting, and professionalism. The week culminates in a public concert, which is open to the public, featuring group and individual performers by the young campers.

Through the years campers have come from New Mexico, Virginia, Georgia, Arkansas, and Texas.

No matter what people think of you, Always keep singing your own song